
ResiCAT User Manual



To go to the CODING COMPARISON screen (audit data compared to imported hospital data) click on the button at the top of the screen or select the NEXT tab on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. The following screen will appear:

The colour coding reflects the type of error: 

Red – auditor’s principal diagnosis is different  Yellow – a code in hospital code set is not in the auditor’s code set  Blue – a code in the auditor’s code set is not in the hospital code set  Orange – change in Condition Onset Flag (if COF is being audited)  Purple – change in data fields audited but not involving a coding error

From the screen shot aboveyou can see that: 

The auditor has entered a different principal diagnosis to the coder (highlighted red). If this code appears in the hospital’s set of codes but is not listed as the principal diagnosis it will also be highlighted in red.  The codes S50.50, W10.9 and U73.9 are highlighted yellow because they do not appear in the auditor’s code set. Where a code highlighted yellow is listed next to a code highlighted in blue there will be two error boxes in the LOG column (see more about this in 4.7 COMPLETE ERROR LOGs).  The codes W10.19, U73.8 and E11.9 are highlighted blue because the auditor has entered a diagnosis, other than the principal diagnosis, that is not in the hospital code set.  The auditor has changed the patient’s gender so the original and auditor’s codes are highlighted in purple.

Version 1.4


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