SAGSE 50th Anniversary 1967-2017
Lothar Freischlader Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany Lothar Freischlader Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany Lothar Freischlader Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Detlef Sulzer GACCQ, President 15, Calver Court Currumbin Waters QLD 4223 Detlef Sulzer GACCQ, President 15, Calver Court Currumbin Waters QLD 4223 Detlef Sulzer GACCQ, President 15, Calver Court Currumbin Waters QLD 4223
Sydney, 11 September 2017
Dear Mr. Sulzer, My heartfelt congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Society for Australian- German Student Exchange (SAGSE) but in particular for the decades long achievements in Australian-German friendship. When Fritz von Einem-Joosten on the background of his own dire experiences during World War II realized this project of international understanding, the world looked quite different than today. Soon after SAGSE was created in Melbourne in 1967, branches were founded in NSW (1968), South Australia (1970), Queensland (1971), WA (1973) and in Tasmania (1976). Over the years this exceptional initiative and the out- standing dedication of all those involved in this great endeavor permitted more than 2,500 students to discover Australia and Germany. I commend the great work for peace and international understanding which SAGSE initiated as indeed a “Good Will in Action” in promoting friendship between our two great nations. Scholarships and the Fritz von Einem-Joosten Foundation (created in 1984) enabled thousands of students to discover each other’s exotic world. These kinds of exchange pro- grammes were quite popular between Germany and France and other European neighbours – and were geographically relatively easy to realize. Over a long distance like between Austral- ia and Germany this was indeed a very ambitious project whose success was not guaranteed. But many volunteers on both sides and the support of the business sector made SAGSE a true success story over the past five decades. Every volunteer, supporter, student, parent, teacher Dear Mr. Sulzer, My heartfelt congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Society for Australian- German Student Exchange (SAGSE) but in particular for the decades long achievements in Australian-German friendship. hen Fritz von Einem-Joosten on the background of his own dire experiences during orld ar II realized this project of international understanding, the world looked quite different than today. Soon after SAGSE was created in Melbourne in 1967, branches were founded in NSW (1968), South Australia (1970), Queensland (1971), A (1973) and in Tasmania (1976). Over the years this exceptional initiative and the out- standing dedication of all those involved in this great endeavor permitted more than 2,500 students to discover Australia and Germany. I commend the great work for peace and international understanding which SAGSE initiated as indeed a “Good ill in Action” in promoting friendship between our two great nations. Scholarships and the Fritz von Einem-Joosten Foundation (created in 1984) enabled thousands of students to discover each other’s exotic world. These kinds of exchange pro- grammes were quite popular between Germany and France and other European neighbours – and were geographically relatively easy to realize. Over a long distance like between Austral- ia and Germany this was indeed a very ambitious project whose success was not guaranteed. But many volunteers on both sides and the support of the business sector made SAGSE a true success story over the past five decades. Every volunteer, supporter, student, parent, teacher Level 17, 100 William Street, Sydney (Woolloomooloo) NSW 2011 Tel. (02) 8302 4-901 (dir. -902) / Email. / Dear Mr. Sulzer, My heartfelt congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Society for Australian- German Student Exchange (SAGSE) but in particular for the decades long achievements in Australian-G rman frie dship. When Fritz von Ei em-Joosten on the background of h s own dire experiences during World War II realized this project of international understanding, the world looked quite different than today. Soon after SAGSE was created in Melbourne n 1967, branches were founded in NSW (1968), South Australia (1970), Quee sland (1971), WA (1973) and in Tasmania (1976). Over the years this exceptional initiative and the out- standing dedication o all those involved in this great ende vor permitted more than 2,500 students to discover Australia and Germany. I commend the great work for peace and international understanding which SAGSE initiated as indeed a “Good Will in Action” in promoting friendship between our two great nations. Scholarships and the Fritz von Einem-Joosten Foundation (created in 1984) enabled thousands of students to discover each other’s exotic world. These kinds of exchange pro- grammes were quite popular between Germany and France and othe European neighbours – and were geographically relati ly easy o realize. Over a long distance like between Austral- ia nd Germany this was indeed a v ry ambitious project whose success was not guaranteed. But many volunteers on both sides and the support of the busines sector made SAGSE a ue success story over the past fiv decades. Every volunteer, supporter, student, parent, teach r My heartfelt congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Society for Australian-German Student Exchange (SAGSE) but in particular for the decades long achievements in Australian-German friendship. When Fritz von Einem-Joosten on the background of his own dire experiences during World War II realised this project of international understanding, the world looked quite different than today. Soon after SAGSE was created in Melb urne i 1967, branches were founded in NSW (1968), Sou h Australia (1970), Que nsland (1971), WA (1973) and in Tasmania (1976). Over the years this exceptional initiative and the outstanding dedication of all those involved in this great endeavor permitted more than 2,500 students to discover Australia and Germany. I commend the great work for peace and international understanding which SAGSE initiated as indeed a “Good Will in Action” in promoting fr endship between our tw gre t nations. Scholarships and the Fritz v n Einem-Joosten Foundation (created in 1984) enabled thousa s of stu e ts to discover each other’s exotic world. These kinds of exchange programs were quite popular between G rmany and France and other European neighbours – and were geographically relatively easy to realise. Over a long distance like between Australia and Germany this was indeed a very ambitious project whose success was not guaranteed. But many volunteers on both sides and the support of the business sector made SAGSE a true success story over the past five decades. Every volunte r, supp rter, student, pare t, teacher can be p oud of these achievements. Today, in a political framework, Australia and Germany have become close partners, friends and allies who share the same v lues and work together for a more pea eful and stable future in the world. This has also been made possible by organisations like SAGSE which laid the foundations for today’s excellent bilateral relationship between Australia and Germany. Again my prof und ap reciation and congratulations to SAGSE and: happy anniversary!
Level 17, 100 William Street, Sydney (Woolloomooloo) NSW 2011 Tel. (02) 8302 4-901 (dir. -902) / Email. / Level 17, 100 William Street, Sydney (Woolloomooloo) NSW 2011 Tel. (02) 8302 4-901 (dir. -902) / Email. /
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