St John's Cathedral Community News October 2017 #91

All Souls’ Commemoration

This annual commemoration of those who died and are now living in the nearer presence of God will be held in place of the usual Evensong. During the liturgy we have the opportunity to light candles, remember those who have gone before us, celebrate the Eucharist together and be uplifted by beautiful music. This year the choir will be offering Requiem in C Minor by Michael Haydn. If you would like a departed loved one remembered during the liturgy, please add their name to the All Souls’ Prayer List found in the Narthex.

Sun. 5th November 6.00pm

Books and Christmass Crafts stall

Our annual Books and Christmass Crafts stall will be held again this weekend in the Cathedral, at this stage on Saturday 10.00am–4.00pm and on Sunday 7.30am–4.00pm. Donations of craft items, especially, will be gratefully accepted before then. Please contact St Martin’s reception of phone 3835 2222 if you would like to make a contribution.

Sat. 11th + Sun. 12th November

Instructed Eucharist

Liturgical worship uses movement, ritual, music, colour and smell to assist people to feel connected to God and to one another. It is one the strengths of Anglicanism. The feeling of connection that liturgy engenders can be enhanced through the gift of understanding. Attending an Instructed Eucharist is one way of increasing our understanding and appreciation of what happens in our worship. During an Instructed Eucharist a commentator adds verbal notes at various points in the liturgy which described the various parts of the service, their history and purpose. Attending an Instructed Eucharist provides the opportunity to ask our “Why do we do this?” and “What does this mean?” An example of the text used at an Instructed Eucharist can be found at: 360 Project seminars have been happening all around the diocese over the last few months and there are more to come. You can book in to any of these days at (look under ‘events’). Anyone is welcome at any location! FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways is a practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer. This all day workshop, written by the Rev’ds Penny Jones and Jo Inkpin, enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today – and all you need to bring is a pen and your lunch! Register online at (look under ‘upcoming events’) • or leave your name at Cathedral Reception, St Martin’s House, • or phone 3835 2222.

Sun. 12th November 1.00pm – 4.00pm

360 Project seminars

Sat. 18th November 9.00am– 3.30pm



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