Over time we shall explore the stories behind our windows. This edition we start with our largest – THE TE DEUM WINDOW We are surrounded by so much beauty in our windows and also such history. The art of telling stories through stained glass continues even now that most of the population are literate. Our Te Deum window up in the choir gallery is a case in point. In ‘ A Guide to the Jewel Box’ we are given the outline to the story of the saints praising God: “These windows were erected to the Glory of God and in grateful remembrance of those who gave their lives and those who served in World War 1939-45.” As we prepare for the century of Gallipoli, it seems fitting that we have memorials as we look to the east and the west of our church.
The left panel is headed by the Archangel Gabriel with the gourd and staff of a messenger.
Then in descending order there are: St Aidan – a monk of Iona, later a Bishop (d.651); St Ethelburga – Abbess of Barking (d.676); St Francis of Assisi, in grey cloth which was the original colour of the Franciscan clothing; St Patrick – Patron Saint of Ireland, shown as Bishop; St David – Patron Saint of Wales. At the base an airman and a soldier both kneel on the grass surrounded by daisies, daffodils, peonies and Canterbury bells.
The next panel is surrounded by an un-named Angel and in descending order are: The Blessed Virgin Mary, with the Lillies of Innocence; St Joseph with a lamp. He who guarded Him in His Infancy, who was the Light of the World; St Peter with the keys; St Andrew with a book – Apostle, Martyr and brother of Peter; St James “The Great”, Apostle and Martyr; St John, writing, Apostle, author of the 4th Gospel, the three Catholic Epistles and Book of Revelation; St Philip, Apostle and Martyr whose symbol is a tall cross; St Stephen,
the first Christian Martyr; and finally, Mavis Parkinson from Ipswich, Queensland, Missionary and Martyr. She holds the Gospels in her hand and at her feet are the school books she used in her classes. Again as a base there are red roses, daffodils.
On the right, next to the central panel, we see another un-named Angel, then: Moses, Lawgiver, holding the Ten Commandments; David crowned as King, playing the harp, reminding us he is the sweet Psalmist of Israel; Isaiah, the Prophet of the 8th century BC, who prophesied the coming of the Saviour; Jeremiah who tried so desperately to turn men from their evil ways; St John the Baptist, last of the Old Testament Prophets and forerunner of our Lord; Simeon who held the infant when He was brought to the Temple and spoke the words of the Nunc Dimittis (Luke 11.29-32);
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