
The Columbarium All Souls’ Chapel is considered one of the hidden gems at St. Augustine’s. Thanks to the very considerable efforts of Robyn Loan and her small team, the chapel has recently had a ‘face lift’, with upgraded lighting and associated electrical work, beautiful painting on the ceiling and doors, cup-boards etc. All this is self-funded by pre-purchases of niches, which also supports the Memorial Garden upkeep. All parishioners are encouraged to take some time to visit the chapel to inspect, and spend a few minutes of quiet meditation. The chapel continues to host a growing number of occasional visitors, being open 24/7, seeking some quiet time … and the monthly Requiem Eucharist which provides a ‘service with a difference’ continues to grow in popularity and is highly commended. young people engaging with politics and their society; we can’t wait to host another #youthchat forum soon – watch this space for next year’s program. YOUTHCHAT REPORT Many thanks to the panellists, moderator and audience members who joined us for our very first #youthchat event on 12 September. Our panellists were very kind to give up their Friday evening and share their thoughts on issues such as marriage equality, refugees, freedom of speech and gender equality. Thank you to: Pat Mullins, former Senator Sue Boyce, Stephen Keim, Reverend Gillian Moses and Youth Parliamentarians Jordana Colvin and Timothy Kariotis. The forum was moderated by Associate Professor Leon Wolff, brother of Rodney. It was a fantastic evening full of enlightened and energetic debate and discussion. The evening ended with more conversation, fellowship and delicious Pizza Capers pizzas in the hall! It was very encouraging to see such inspiring

DRINKS @ The Rectory

One of our widowed ladies commented to our rector last year that she missed having that drink in the evening with her husband - but she couldn’t drink alone. That remark was the spur for Drinks at the Rectory which has been a greatly enjoyed occasion last year and again this. There were about 30 of us, single or widowed, who took advantage of Marian’s hospitality on 7th October, meeting those we may not have known (they probably go to THE OTHER SERVICE!), eating and drinking and generally having a very pleasant hour or so before going home to dinner. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Marian. Ken & Reg Staines at Drinks @ the Rectory (in their pink shirts in support of Pink October – thank you gentlemen) Even if you are away, you can access the sermon each week as Marian uploads it promptly to our parish website http://www.staugustines Some parishioners who have difficulty hearing also find this a blessing, and others just find it worthwhile to read it at leisure so they can think through the points raised. The appropriate Bible reading is cited so you can read that before the sermon. For those who can’t always be with us on Sundays …


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