BUSHkids Annual Report 2018-2019
Discovering the joys and learnings of play is important for families — and kids of all ages The importance of play has long been understood across BUSHkids as integral to not only children’s own development but also their ability to interact with peers, friends, family and the wider world as they grow; ensuring parents and carers are also actively engaged with and participating in fun activities is vital and good for all.
In the past year we have developed Playgroups as a dedicated program to better support parents and carers as their child’s first teacher in a fun and relaxed environment. Five principles define the program, the shared goals including providing relationship as well as instigating and reinforcing family, peer and community supports. An inviting environment where kids and parents are relaxed about attending and participating in the playgroup is key. As with all BUSHkids services, our Playgroups program is free to kids and families and delivered to communities with an identified need: there may be no existing playgroups or accessible early years activities, for instance, or particular demographics may have specialist needs. We have begun providing four primary Playgroups models, two for children — one built on the Read and Grow program and another on Abecedarian techniques — and two for parents and families, including a ‘supported’ playgroup aimed at smooth transitions opportunities for learning and strengthening the parent-child
PlayConnect playgroups are designed for families of children aged 0-6 years with unique needs associated with having an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or developmental delays in communication, behaviour or social skills. PlayConnect is a great way for families to connect with others, share knowledge and experiences, and make friends in an environment of fun and mutual understanding. Underlying theories informing Playgroups include empowerment, education and strength but, most importantly, that of family-centred practice . The family works with the service provider to make informed decisions about the services and supports they receive. In family- centred service, strengths and needs of all family members are considered. “Family-centred services recognise that each family is unique that the family is the constant in a child’s life and they are the experts on their child’s abilities and needs.”
It is important that all Playgroups activities are easily replicated by parents at home. We discourage the use of expensive resources as part of their playgroups, actively encouraging use of recycled materials and common household items in play and craft. To emphasise this, and to facilitate families’ creative thinking, over the past two years we have created BUSHkids Playtime Cards , a boxed set of 40 full-colour postcards in four thematic groups of 10. The bright, engaging designs are a take-home resource describing the diverse activities commonly planned for Playgroups that will assist with empowering parents and children’s development goals. The Playtime Cards are also used with Early Years Educators, community groups, childcare centres and in BUSHkids clinical sessions and have proven so popular and such a useful resource that a second, larger print run was arranged in 2019. A new Playgroups manual and associated training helps ensure a consistent approach across the regions, including improved record- keeping. In the 2017-18 year, 30 staff were formally trained in Playgroups , with an additional 13 in 2018-19.
to early schooling in addition to PlayConnect in partnership with Playgroup Queensland .
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