BUSHkids Annual Report 21 | 22

FoBk Bundaberg Bundaberg Friends began the year with our annual event at AgroTrend — Breakfast with the BUSHies – but this year with a twist! New to this year’s event, we introduced a scarecrow competition, with eight entries received from childcare centres and community partners. Judging was difficult as everyone had put so much effort and pride into making their scarecrows – some were scarier than others, but great imagination was used by all. The day was a success connecting with many families in the community, and the scarecrow competition will be back next year, bigger and better.

One of FoBk Bundaberg’s newest team members, Suzy Evans, received a surprise at the Government House Reception celebrating Dr Neil Bartels’ 30 years of service when the BUSHkids Council Chair himself presented a copy of BUSHIES, our 80th anniversary history book, as a little ‘light’ background reading and to thank Suzy for her own volunteer contributions!

During the Friends of BUSHkids Bundaberg meeting in August, the team sat down for a Sconversation . A Sconversation is a chance to take time out, butter up some freshly-baked scones, pour yourself a cuppa and have a chat; it’s a great way for everyone to share what’s on their mind and in doing so boost mental wellbeing. Sconversations is a great initiative launched by The Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) , with which BUSHkids has worked alongside for many years. The QCWA started Sconversations as part of their Centenary celebrations in August 2022. The FoBk Bundaberg Sconversations image was included in QCWA’s vast montage of Sconversation pictures contributed from all over Queensland for the Centenary.

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