BUSHkids Annual Report 21 | 22

FoBk Emerald Across July, August and September, FoBk Emerald supported the organisation of the annual Charity Golf Day, with members and BUSHkids staff part of the many meetings held in planning the event, as well as gathering and contacting sponsors for the day.

Regrettably, the Golf Day was unable to proceed due to weather conditions. The event was rescheduled twice, and both times unfortunately had to be cancelled. Although this was upsetting, the sponsors for the event were happy to proceed with supporting BUSHkids in our rural community.

Our sincere thanks to Kestrel Coal Resources for the generous donation of $3,000 to support our Emerald Centre, which will be used to help fund our AHA (Allied Health Assistant) position in the Centre, which FoBk has committed to support for the next three years. Emerald’s AHA had the opportunity mid-September to speak at a community event as a thank-you for the support of Emerald Rotary Club , one of our sponsors, showing how the support of FoBk in Emerald and the new AHA role is making another positive BUSHkids difference in our community.

CEO gratitude I am immensely proud of BUSHkids’ contribution to the lives of children, families, and communities across Queensland. We stand alongside Queenslanders as we live our lives through pandemic, climate events and economic adversity. I am sincerely thankful to our volunteers, our Friends of BUSHkids, our BUSHkids Council members, our clinical leadership team and business support staff, our contractors, our dedicated frontline staff, and our connections that support us. Collaboratively, in partnership we work together to ensure all Queensland children achieve their potential. Bushkids acknowledges the significant contribution of the late Dr Jessica Campbell to the establishment of the TeleBUSHkids Centre and telepractice. Due to her research and dedication, she facilitated improved access to services for children and their families in rural and remote regions of Queensland. We are thankful to our donors, funders, supporters and community partners who enable us to make such a difference in children’s lives. Carlton Meyn Chief Executive Officer


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