Commodore’s report

It is almost redundant to preface this report with the words “this year has not been without its challenges” … for, in addition to dealing with damage and insurance claims from two severe storms during summer 2016–17 and overseeing changes on the Club’s management, staffing and general contractual fronts, your Board has also undertaken significant maintenance work required of our facilities and equipment, including a planned program of progressive upgrades of our gaming machines. Much of this work had been held over from previous years, due to financial or other constraints. Many of these tasks have this year been resolutely addressed, as the costs in doing so were judged far less than the longer- term costs of continued deferment. Our sporting sections have not been good performers this year: the Sailing Section has been dormant for some time, and the Fishing Section, by the second half of 2017 unable to achieve a quorum and deliver on the formal administrative responsibilities required of it by our Constitution, is now in a similar state of suspension. Until some commitment to the comparitively straightforward tasks of administering and operating such Sections translates into co-ordinated, active efforts by Members interested in supporting and promoting their activities, these sections must, sadly, remain in limbo. I will have more to say on the question of ‘commitment’ in general later in this report. In the first half of this year, Member Garry Clayphan took with gusto the reins of the LSChampagne Cruise, handed on by Past Rear-Commodore David Cameron. A great time was had by the dozen or more Club vessels enjoying the quiet delights of our Southern Bay waterways between 27th May and 2nd June and Gaye and I want to particularly thank Garry and Denise for their excellent stewardship; everyone greatly enjoyed themselves.

Conversations among Members suggest more such outings should be on the Club’s agenda – not necessarily long cruises but more modest events on weekends and long weekends, unencumbered by excessive numbers of participants or school holiday responsibilities. This is certainly achievable but only if Members become involved and help take responsibility for the management and planning. Garry will certainly welcome a hand, if we can prevail upon him to reprise his cruise captaincy again in 2018! Efforts will be made to re-establish the Bay Outings Committee and any Member wanting to participate is urged to give serious consideration to their involvement – and then get in touch with the 2018 Board and Flag Officers to help make it happen. On a similarly positive note, I am pleased to announce that we are in discussions with the organisers of the 2020 Contender National Titles for them to be held at the Little Ship Club. This event was last held at LSC in 1994 and the Contenders are eager to return to our venue. LSC Members will be kept informed of developments as negotiations progress during 2018 and we are confident that the proposed return of this event to the waters off our One Mile home will be a sound boating and business legacy for future LSC administrations and Members in the years ahead. Many friendly discussions have also been held with a number of other clubs and organisations around the Bay during the year, and I was proud to accept the traditional invitation to represent our Club at the official opening of the RQYS season on 9th September. Together with Director Bill Canfield, I also attended SYC’s similar festivities a week later at Southport. Earlier in the year, Rear-Commodore Matt Tesch represented the LSC at Karragarra Yacht Club’s annual sail- past/blessing events on 18th March.

The 2017 LSChampagne Cruise combined poster, flyer, itinerary and acknowledgement of sponsors. Below: a Contender in action.

Below: Alan Early in his MC role at Karragarra’s sail-past, with KYC Commodore Keith Turner standing behind.

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

Annual Report 2016–2017


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