TMR and MSQ news

NEW DAY MARKER TRIALS MSQ is trialling a new type of day shape made out of plastic at two locations in the Pumicestone Passage. Following a period of works, beacons and buoys marking the entrance to the river have been altered or reduced, and renumbered as per the chartlet and table at right. [NOTAM 279, 30/5/16] MSQ NOTAM SUMMARY Demolition of one of the old Hamilton wharves continues and maintenance works on the Bar Cutting beacons have led to a reduction in and renumbering of the number of channel markers (see map), and there’s an important navigational message for Sandhills visitors. • Brisbane River works Demolition works commenced on 9 May in the vicinity of Hamilton 1 wharf, approx. position, lat. 27° 26.51’S, long. 153° 04.12’E, involving shoreside, marine civil and diving operations; expected to continue until 2 July 2016 [NOTAM 253, 9/5/16] • Sandhills light replaced by beacon The Sandhills Sector light on Moreton Island, in position lat. 27°17.6075’S long. 153°24.0780’E has been replaced by a special beacon in position lat. 27°17.5709’S long. 153°23.8881’E with light characteristic Fl.Y.4s. [NOTAM 284, 2/6/16] • Reconfiguration of Bar Cutting beacons

NEW BRISBANE RIVER BAR CUTTING MARKERS Original Number New Number Light Characteristic BC1 BC1 Fl.G.4s. BC2 BC2 Fl.Y.4s. BC3 Withdrawn BC4 Withdrawn BC5 BC3 Fl.G.4s BC6 BC4 Fl.R.4s BC7 Withdrawn BC8 Withdrawn BC9 BC5 Fl.G.4s BC10 BC6 Fl.R.4s BC11 BC7 Fl.G.4s & Iso.Bu.2s BC12 BC8 Iso.R.4s & Q.Bu BC13 Withdrawn BC14 Withdrawn BC15 BC9 Fl.G.4s BC16 BC10 Iso.R.4s BC17 BC11 Fl.G.4s BC18 BC12 Fl.R.4s BC19 BC13 Fl.G.4s BC20 BC14 Fl.Y.2.5s BC21 BC15 Fl.Y.4s


June 2016 eNews

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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