Fishing Section : May competition

Numbers were down (about eight weigh-ins) and, despite perfect weather, Mother’s Day may have had some bearing on this. However, the quality was up with some very good Snapper, Mowong and Bream. Just a reminder that we are halfway through the calendar, with only four months to go to make sure you are in for a chance at some great prizes at the annual trophy night; and for most of us, just for the fun of it! Also a reminder that the pontoon is reserved each month for the Fishing Comp: just come in and tie up and be prepared to raft up with your fellow anglers – the more the merrier! If you are going to stay the night, please let the managers know for Club records and insurance purposes. See you next month with your best catches including the Fish of the Month – Bream and Tailor. May results summary: Boat Points: Maureen and Cameron “Just Us” Fish of the month: • Morwong – Emily De Bono “Reel Apeel” • Whiting a 3-way tie – Maureen, Cameron and Arthur • Mystery fish – Flathead – Col Barker “Elizabeth” Crew Trophy: Maureen Allery “Just Us” Col Barker Mobile: 0400 305 377 Fishing Captain “Elizabeth”

2016 cumulative leader board (Section top 6 only) Angler / catcher Vessel Points Fish Section Col Barker “Elizabeth” 55 Jason Ninnes “Lindel May” 55 Arthur Mobsby “ Alina” 29 Sam Neilson “Karma” 27 Silvia Allen “Lindel May” 26 Gary Skelton “ Kestral” 24 Crab/Squid Section Lachlan Roberts “Aquation” 18 Ashley Roberts “Aquation” 16 Jay Neilson “Karma” 14 Lyn Lopez “Beowolf” 10 Sophie “Restless Lady” 10 Mark Lopez “Beowolf” 8

Paul De Bono / Cameron Jones, Maureen Allery and Arthur Mobsby

Largest Species (Morwong/Whiting)

Largest Fish (month) (Flathead) Col Barker Largest Sandy Bill Morley Largest Muddy None weighed-in (May) Boat Points (month) “ Just Us”

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LSC Fishing Club Sp May 2015 Edition

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Peter Hardisty owns and operates Millkraft Boat Ya dustry for over 40 years since being apprenticed in 1 If your boat needs some repairs or a re - paint, don’t h


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