Little Ship Club October 2015 eNews

Safety notice: Tangalooma wrecks

NOTAM 323 (T) issued on 22 October 2015 Area: Brisbane pilotage area Locality: Moreton Bay - Tangalooma

Activity: Tangalooma Wrecks Stabilisation Works Mariners are advised that from 26 October 2015 to 07 November 2015 , stabilisation works will take place at the Tangalooma Wrecks. To ensure safety, the Regional Harbour Master has issued a general direction under the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 in support of this. The direction prohibits all vessels (including small self-propelled craft) from being within an exclusion zone encapsulating the area of works. The exclusion zone is 75m in radius, based on the barge, and will be marked by red pennant buoys. The exclusion zone will move with the vessel as it moves from wreck to wreck completing the works. All mariners are requested to proceed at slow speed with minimal wash when transiting the works area.


October 2015 eNews

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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