Little Ship Club October 2015 eNews

Trophy Night 2015

Most Enthusiastic Lady Angler Encouragement Award Perpetual Shipmate Award

Maureen Allery Lyle Watkins

Largest crabs for the month Sandies March & May

Jason Ninnes Brody Williams Ashley Roberts Ruben Clelland

April June July

Jack Burling

Junior Runner-up Junior Champ Lady Runner-up

Ruben Clelland Emily Debono


Hamish Lewis (also largest sandie caught all year)

Dorothy Lemescam Maureen Allery Paul Debono Jason Ninnes Maureen Allery Jenny Morley Alison Ninnes Liz Clelland Jodi Roberts Helen Surman Pam Mobsby Dorothy Lemescam

Champion Lady Angler Champion Runner-up

September Arthur Mobsby Muddies February, April & June Lachlan Roberts March Arthur Mobsby (also largest muddie caught all year) August Paul Debono Most crab points for the year and largest squid Jason Ninnes Largest species all year Whiting Col Barker Snapper Jason Ninnes Tusk fish Paul Debono Sweetlip Jack Burling Mackerel Maureen Allery Bream Jason Ninnes Cod Paul Debono Tailor Dorothy Lemescam Perch Paul Debono Flathead Jack Burling

Club Champion

Crew members of the month February


April May June July



Monthly boat points February

“Lyndell May”

“Galleon” “Just Us” “Atlantis” “Elizabeth”


April May June July

“Augusta Marie”


“Baby Girl”

Col Barker Fishing Captain “Elizabeth”



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LSC Fishing Club Sp May 2015 Edition

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40 years since being apprenticed in 1970. If your boat needs some repairs or a repaint, call Peter on 0418 155 921 or 3893 2263 or email MILLKRAFT BOAT YARD PTY LTD is a proud sponsor of the LSC Fishing Club.

9 October 2015 eNews Peter Hardisty owns and operates Millkraft Boat Ya dustry for over 40 years since being apprenticed in 1 If your boat needs some repairs or a re-paint, don’t


Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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