QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019
Annual Report 2018–2019 • The Queensland Country Women’s Association
The State Executive Board was fortunate enough to have meetings with the Leader of the State Opposition, the Hon. Deb Frecklington mp, and she is always happy to listen and help where she can. I attended a fundraiser on the Green Lawn at Parliament House which raised funds for the Drought Appeal . I also attended a horse-racing thoroughbreds awards night and presented the Country Horse of the Year award. Funds raised from the races at Birdsville will be presented in the coming months to the appeal for which we are most thankful. October was a busy month preparing for the Annual State Conference and making sure all was in order for the four days. A big thank-you to Mandie Quince, our State Secretary, for her support and friendship during the two years that we worked together. We both got ‘thrown in the deep end’ as the saying goes and had to learn to swim. Life goes on and with her support I got through to the end. To all the State Office staff both past and present – thank-you for the time we shared together. I know I learnt a lot and am grateful for your support. To the members who supported me during my time: thank you. It was and is appreciated. To end, I would like to quote some words from Denis Waitley, who says: “Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.” All the happiness for the future. Joy Coulson
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