QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019

The Queensland Country Women’s Association • Annual Report 2018–2019

Board members have offered to travel to Brisbane at times when assistance is needed in the office and attend meetings to important events with myself. Resolution from Conference 2018 passed to sell our City building, Ruth Fairfax House , was actioned by a committee under the Board to assist in this process. This has commenced, and matters are underway as at 30 June 2019. Darling Downs rooms have been offered and accepted as a home for the State memorabilia collection and the process of cataloguing and packing of items held in the State Archives has commenced under the leadership of Judy King and her team. We thank these ladies very much, as this is ongoing as more items keep appearing for packing, et cetera . An Archive and Memorabilia Committee was established under the SEB with the President and Phoebe Mitchell establishing a committee of local Darling Downs members to discuss plans to convert the rooms to be made suitable as a display venue. This will be an ongoing project leading up to our Centenary. Further resolution at Conference 2018 was passed to review wording in the Constitution and governance documents. A Constitution Committee under the SEB was formed to look at the governance of the State Executive Board and Council roles; however, no presentation was forthcoming at May Council to address this matter from the Board. Our Patron, Mrs Kaye de Jersey, invited the new Board members to morning tea at Government House and we experienced a high tea featuring local Queensland produce. We took this opportunity to advise of the work of the Public Rural Crisis Fund (PRCF) supporting drought applications, and our strategic direction for the year. The Governor, His Excellency the Hon. Paul de Jersey ac, invited our association to have a seat at his table for dinner to acknowledge the work of charities for drought support and it was a very special night to attend with my husband at Government House; a great memory. We have been constantly addressing our financial security with our Association accounts. In November 2018 our membership was dipping and one concern which affects our ability to sustain our State Office staff wages. At 30 June 2019 we have four staff on wages and thank Greater Brisbane Division for sourcing volunteers to assist on office projects. We thank most sincerely the work and initiatives presented by our staff to our association over this year. All staff have been very supportive of each other and sharing and learning skills to ensure the office keeps ticking over.

STATE PRESIDENT REPORT 2018–2019 Christine King


It gives me much pleasure to present the 96th Annual Report of the Queensland Country Women’s Association from Conference 2018 to June 2019 for our 97th year on behalf of the State Executive Board. The newly elected State Executive Board at Conference 2018 in Brisbane presented great opportunities for QCWA members to move forward with our Strategic Plan towards our Centenary celebrations. Identifying our focus for the coming year, communication lines between members, Divisions and State Office were addressed with State Vice-Presidents becoming the conduit for our leaders in divisions to have the connection with mentoring. The State Executive Board (SEB) moved to have five face-to-face meetings per year with all business shared daily by email, allowing more time to be active in their regions. Post-Conference Council held over three days at Red Hill Bowls Club , the agenda covered our Strategic Plan moving us forward with decisions to be actioned by the May Council meeting. This council agreed with the proposal of State President’s travel around the divisions with training to include continuing and newly-elected Division Presidents and their teams, giving consistent knowledge to them to lead their members in governance and enthusiasm to grow membership and retain members in their divisions. The regional State Vice-President would accompany the State President to these meetings. I am thrilled to report that these meetings have been well-received and attended by members, who have reported learning information about our association they never knew. Thank-you to all the members who extended homestays, driving and hospitality. These are the unique opportunities we have experienced this year of meeting members from across the state. Our combined State Contest Committee and Convenors meeting was held on 30 January 2019, with requests for better result forms, and consistent by-laws. SEB meetings have been held in December, February and May this year in Brisbane. Opportunities at these meetings allow for Board members to meet with partners and receive presentations from interested organisations in person.


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