QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019
The Queensland Country Women’s Association • Annual Report 2018–2019
The Queensland Country Women's Association
The Queensland Country Women's Association
State Executive Board Report For the year ended 30 June 2019
State Executive Board Report For the year nded 30 June 2019
The objectives of the Association are to improve the welfare and conditions of life for women and families, especially in the country. The objectives of the Association are to improve the welfare and conditions of life for women and families, especially in the country. Strategy for achieving the objectives: (a) Draw together all women and families; (b) Encourage women to take an active part in their communities; (c) Work to improve educational facilities and opportunities, including through the provision of bursaries; (d) Work to improve public health and access to health care services and facilities; (e) Provide assistance to women and families in distress, emergency or other need; (f) Provide low cost accommodation for seniors; (g) Encourage, impact and promote traditional and contemporary hand crafts and home skills; (h) Provide opportunities for recreation, culture and enjoyment, bringing them within reach of all members; and (i) Providing leadership training for youth. Strategy for achieving t e objectives: (a) Draw together all women and families; (b) Encourage women to tak an active part in their communities; (c) Work to imp ove educational facilities nd opportunities, including through t e provision of bursaries; (d) Work to imp ove public health and ccess to health car services and facilities; (e) Provid assistance to women and families in distress, emergency o other need; (f) Provide low cost accommodation f r seniors; (g) Encourage, imp ct and promote traditional nd contemporary hand crafts and home skills; (h) Provide opportunities for recreation, culture and enjoyment, bringi g them within reac of all members; and (i) Providing leadership training for youth.
2. Operating results and review of operations for the year
2. Operating r sults and review of operations for the year
The surplus of the Association for the financial year amounted to $ 2,096,890 (2018: $ (2,112,896) loss). The surplus of the Association f r the financial ye r amounted t $ 2,096,890 (201 : $ ( , 12,896) loss).
Signed in accordance with a resolution of the State Executive Board members:
Signed in accordance with a resolution of the State Executive Board members:
President: ...............................................
President: ...............................................
Dated this FIRST day of OCTOBER 2019
Dated this FIRST day of OCTOBER 2019
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