QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019

Annual Report 2018–2019 • The Queensland Country Women’s Association

CENTRAL HIGHLANDS DIVISION President Jenny Ryan Secretary Carol Ferguson Treasurer Lillian Duckett Branches Blackwater Emerald Capella Moranbah Clermont Springsure


I know the drive is to open new branches, but I think we do well to keep the six branches open, and I am very pleased that has been the case this year. Between them they have more than 70 members who have clocked up over 8,000 volunteer hours between them. Across the division we have several buildings, all in good condition. Most of our branches were represented in their towns, laying wreaths on ANZAC Day. Clermont and Emerald Branches held Women Walk the World events, while four members attended Central Region Conference and five attended State Conference in Brisbane. Our Country Kitchens program is growing, and we currently have six Facilitators. Carol Ferguson is our representative for the Bouncing Back Program .

I presented the Annual Emerald Agricultural College Bursary in November and I also represent QCWA on the Emerald Agriculture College Community Consultation Committee. State President Christine King conducted two training days in March—one in Emerald, the other in Moranbah — to update members on what is required by State Office for documentation, and done to a timetable. We also had Past State President Joy Coulson in the area as guest of Central Highlands Regional Council for a most enjoyable International Womens’ Day .

GYMPIE AND SOUTH BURNETT DIVISION President Julia Ashcroft Secretary Irene Manwaring Treasurer Beverley Schloss Branches Blackbutt / Yarraman Kumbia Cedar Pocket Maidenwell Elgin Vale Miva Gympie Nanango Hivesville Proston Imbil Tin Can Bay Kilkivan Wondai Kingaroy Wooroolin Kingaroy Twilight


As usual for any new position, my past eight months has been an enormous learning curve, and I thank all our wonderful Division members for their encouragement. We have been fortunate to enjoy strong community support, demonstrated by our success in continued fundraising through markets and shows. In December we were once again asked to cater the Kingaroy Mayor’s Christmas Lunch. This event shows the core values of QCWA in giving and to be mindful of the needs of others. In January, Kingaroy’s Lois Thurecht was recognised in the Australia Day Awards at Blackbutt Hall for her ever- giving community spirit; we are very proud of her. In our February meeting we voted to gift our Cloyna block of land to the South Burnett Regional Council. We also applied for a grant for structural repairs and new carpet and blinds for our Murgon rooms. I convey our deep gratitude to LNP leader Mrs Deb Frecklington, MP for Gympie Mr Tony Perrett and Federal Member for Wide Bay Mr Llew O’Brien, who are always willing to be our sponsors for such grant applications. We have approximately 62,000 volunteer hours given in our Division at a cost that I had heard should be around $42.00/hour—an incredible total of $2,604,000! But let us not forget about our husbands, partners and other family members who also come along to help or repair a leak in the water pipe, the blocked toilet … A balance in life is imperative, however; members, please ensure you keep a portion for the most important people: your family and more importantly YOU.

Thanks to our Secretary, Elaine, for putting up with me and my idiosyncrasies in formatting documents. Also to Division Treasurer Bev, who is always there when I need help and advice. Thanks, too, for incredibly helpful Katrina who keeps me sane when I get overwhelmed. To Amanda who stepped into the role of Division International Officer, thank-you. Amanda joined QCWA only recently and I am very thankful that she had the confidence to step up. To the Division convenors, some continuing in the same role, some in a new role, and those who are first-timers, a big thank-you and I hope you find it a rewarding ex- perience. Finally, thank-you to our new Central Region Vice-President Marina Taylor, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavours. In the coming year we have some interesting projects for our division, so hold on and enjoy the ride!



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